Monday, September 11, 2006


Audio Credit: Debbi B
A fumarole at Lassen Volcanic National Park

The sound I have chosen was recorded with a WL-183s, easily imagined as an underwater eruption in the midst of creating an island. The sound creates a bubbling image in my head far before the image of volcanic activity. The eruption of bubbles in my chosen image creates a fantastical approach of cooled magma reaching the surface of the water and releasing non-threatening balloons of magma and ash into the atmosphere at daybreak to travel away from the predisposed location of the volcano to an undisturbed area of the ocean awaiting natural change.

Imagining a world evolving naturally on such a disastrous day is a refreshing way to remember the man-made destruction of man-made structures creating such a negative evolution of our world.

-Holly Moore

Image: "Water Bubbles"
Author: Christopher Curnel


At 4:04 PM, Blogger Rob D. said...

how did you know what mic was used?

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Rob D. said...

Debbi is a freqent contributor to the Nature Recordist list. She posted the mic info (Shure WL-183's omni-directional) with the URL to the recording which I was able to trace and fwd to Holly:

As there are 15 "us" clones, when making a comment, it might be clearer to first login with your personal Blogger account. Rob D.


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